taking to the skies for a cross country tour. The L-10A is making a public
appearance at the Royal Aviation Museum in Winnipeg on September 13-14.
As part of the 10+ city the aircraft will make stops in Vancouver, Calgary,
Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Toronto,
Ottawa, Halifax, Quebec City.
Trans Canada Airlines and the Lockheed L-10A
On September 1st, 1937 Air Canada’s forerunner, Trans Canada Airlines
(TCA), launched their first commercial passenger flight; a fifty minute trip from
Vancouver to Seattle. TCA had acquired the route plus two Lockheed L‐10A
aircraft from Canadian Airways.
In that same month, TCA bought three additional Lockheed L‐10A aircraft,
brand new, from the Lockheed factory for $73,000 each. These aircraft were
dubbed the “Three Sisters” and carried the registrations CF‐TCA, CF‐TCB, and CF‐TCC. The first
aircraft, CF‐TCA can now be found in the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa. CF‐TCC is
the aircraft here today and is only one of two Lockheed L‐10A Electra aircraft flying in the world.
The History of CF-TCC
After being operated by Trans Canada Airlines from 1937 to 1939, CF‐TCC was sold to the Canadian
Government and operated by the RCAF as part of the War Effort during World War II. During the next
40 years, the aircraft was sold several times to various private corporations and individuals. In 1975, a
retired Air Canada employee recognized the faded old registration marks on the aircraft while attending
an air show in Texas. Air Canada kept track of the aircraft until 1983, at which point the company
purchased the aircraft back, restored it, and flew it during the Air Canada 50th Anniversary celebrations
in 1986. At the end of the Fifty stop Canadian tour, CF‐TCC was featured in the Air Canada pavilion
during Expo 86 in Vancouver.
Since 1986, the aircraft has been maintained in flying condition.
Maintenance and Flight Operations have put thousands of hours of personal time into keeping CF‐TCC,
our Air Canada heritage, flying for future generations to enjoy. When not flying, the aircraft has had a
home in the Western Canada Aviation Museum in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Big Thanks to Valerie Bourdeau, Tim Fisher and Air Canada for the opportunity
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