Orbis pull for sight 2012

At the ORBIS Pull for Sight event, teams made up of 25 people compete to pull a 60-tonne 757 FedEx airplane 12 feet for the Fastest Pull title. Each registered team must raise a minimum $1,250.00 to compete in this event.In the world today there are approximately 19 million visually impaired children and too often, vision problems prevent kids from excelling in school, playing sports or taking part in other activities that their sighted peers take for granted. The vast majority of visually impaired children live in developing countries, where pediatric eye care services are often unavailable or unaffordable. As a result, many of these children go blind even though they suffer from treatable or preventable conditions. In response to the World Health Organizations urgent call for an increase in specialized childrens eye care centres, ORBIS has committed to establishing a network of such facilities throughout the developing world. ORBIS has already established or strengthened more than 45 childrens eye care centres in Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Jamaica, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Peru.